de 3 x Purim 2016 la JCC 0

De PURIM 2016 te invitam la JCC!
Vei avea multe motive sa sarbatoresti cea mai vesela sarbatoare a anului :)

Evenimentele principale de PURIM la JCC:
■ duminica, 20 martie, 11:00 – Purimul Copiilor
vineri, 25 martie, 18:30 – Purim Oneg Sabat
■ sambata, 26 martie, 21:00 – Purim Party 
trupa live // DJ // open bar  //  walk of fame  //  premii
NOU: ia-ti biletul online cu cardul!

■ Purimwood – Purim Party in lumea filmului: sambata, 26 martie, 21:00
Party-Bal Mascat la Hollywood / humantasi / open bar / DJ STROKE (Israel) / trupa live / concurs de costume cu premii (weekend pentru 2 la Poiana Brasov, participare la Gesher 2016 etc.)

Dress code tips: actori / personaje de film /

When: SATURDAY – 26 of March 2016 – starting at 21:00 @ JCC

20 lei – green tickets in advance (open bar  - soft drinks only)
40 lei – red tickets in advance (full open bar)
40/60 lei – green/red tickets purchased in the day of the event

>> Get your Purim ticket  here with credit card  <<

You can find tickets:
@ Miriam – 0724117777
@ JCC Front Desk – 0213202608

■ Purim-ul copiilor: duminica, 20 martie, 11:00
Cel mai mare Parc de Distractii pentru Copii: castel gonflabil / clowni / humantasi / vata de zahar / concursuri cu premii / muzica / dans / modelaj baloane

Participare: 10 lei/copil, intrarea parintilor gratuita.

■ Oneg Sabat special de Purim: vineri, 25 martie, 18:30
Atmosfera, program si meniu speciale!

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